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Flowjo 10 0

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  2. Flowjo 10 0 Error
  3. Flowjo 10 Manual

FlowJo meets FlowJo Portal. With FlowJo v10.5, you can now purchase and manage your individual license through the FlowJo Portal. Once you create your free account, you can use your FlowJo Portal ID to sign in to FlowJo anywhere, at any computer—no dongle or hardware address required. FlowJo™ Basic Tutorial Data Download. SeqGeq™ Basic Tutorial Download. Blog Newsletter Podcast Resources. Tutorials FlowJo Documentation SeqGeq Documentation Grant Resources Documents Flow Cytometry News FlowJo Africa FlowJo and BD are one! FlowJo is your biggest fan and strives to be an outstanding source of support. We're here to help you accelerate routine phenotyping, take your immunology research to the next level, and get you from data to results―one cell at a time. 当前位置:电脑软件 行业软件 健康医药 flowjo 10 破解版 V10.0.6 flowjo 10 破解版 V10.0.6 大小:131MB 语言:英文 类别:健康医药.

Please find below a version history of FlowJo vX (version 10).

10.0.5 (Released December 6, 2012) Doyourdata start menu professional 3 9 free. Does office work on macbook.


  • Boolean Not gates
  • Opening the Matrix Editor
  • Canceling a Derived Parameter
  • Compensation opening in a saved ACS file
  • Compensation and reagent names are now saved in a WSP file
  • Compensation on Guava files
  • Influx files now load
  • Tint for gates in the GW
  • Bisector gates can now be created on samples with the same stain
  • Synchronized gates now work with magnetic gates
  • Gates disappearing on log parameters when moved
  • Can now add more than one sample to a grid at a time
  • FlowJo now installs on Windows 8
  • Internationalization flag has been removed; please change language through preferences
  • Deleting layouts in the Layout Editor
  • Layout Editor iteration with controls, stats, keywords has all been fixed
  • Printing in the Workspace and the Layout Editor
  • Robust Standard Deviation is now an available statistic
  • Freq. of…statistics are now correct when dragged to the Layout Editor
  • Headers/Footers now work in the Table Editor
  • Can now edit columns in the Table Editor without changing defaults
  • Custom names now work with Keywords in the Table Editor
  • Can now make correlations and line plots of keywords and formulas in the Table Editor
  • Can now create and edit statistic boxes in the Layout Editor
  • FJML is now accessible by double clicking in the Layout Editor
  • Dragging children gates to groups now propagates correctly
  • Can now copy from the right click menu in the workspace
  • Can now save group export in a template and run via command line
  • Click points for disclosure triangles are now on center

Known Issues:

  • Collection time does not sort in the workspace
  • Lists disappear when scrolled in W7; Java 7 issue only
  • Redo issues with group applied gates
  • Working on formatting issues in text boxes
  • Correlation/line plots are not correct using the buttons. Use right click to make plots in a batched table
  • When printing from the GW, it uses the Layout Editor as a canvas
  • Preferences for header/footers are not working; do work in the platforms
  • Top of Offset Histograms are cut off in the Layout Editor with many samples
  • Cannot append to a PPT presentation
  • Save as PDF has output issues. Best to batch to PDF
  • Adding backgating and MGOs to multiple plots only adds to one
  • Save graphic as SVG does not produce a scalable graphic
  • Statistics on bisector gates are in the middle of the plot
  • Loading WSP saved in a different language
  • Ancestry, backgating, and combination gates are not working when loading JO files
  • Compensated parameters on Miltenyi FCS3.1 files
  • 3D is not responding

Up uploader for instagram 3 10 2 download free. 10.0.4 (Release date: October 5, 2012)


  • Compensation Matrix Editor:
    • Double clicking the Badge of a sample throws a stack
    • Matrix Editor dialog tooltip issues
    • Not able to manual change values in an applied matrix
  • Compensation:
    • Compensating on Comp group throws a stack
    • Resetting assignments does nothing after clear
    • Comp sample assignment list and positive drop down list is disabled when re-selecting it
    • Compensation dialog tooltip issues
    • Double clicking a compensation node (if shown) doesn't reopen editor
    • Unstained control displayed as log on biex plot in CE
    • CE splits positive histograms as positive and negative controls
    • Live stain still shows compensation after compensation and parameter can't be found
    • Detection of the unstained negative
  • .jo file opening:
    • Refresh issue where stats show 0 in a batched table
    • Overlapping charts
  • FlowJo 7.6.5 .wsp file opening:
    • Compensation matrix reading
    • GW sizing
    • Gate statistics refresh
    • Compensation control sample loading
    • Sample reconnection
    • Loading compensated parameters
    • Saving grids and ancestry alignment in Layout Editor
  • File Formats:
    • Cyntellect and ADVIA 120 8-bit FCS2.0 file handling
    • FCS 3 matrix export
  • Graph Window:
    • Gate name dialog position on PC
    • Copy Image from GW paste
    • Changing the Plot Type and opening a child population causes the GW to expand
    • Copy Image With and Without Transparency on a child population
    • Gate anchor point positioning
  • Internationalization:
    • Restarting in a foreign language
    • Excel and graph window formatting of Chinese and Japanese characters
    • Comma formatting for decimal place lost upon excel export
  • Layout Charts:
    • NxN plots with many parameters
    • Coloring in the LE affects the border and Legend
    • Outliers do not stay checked
    • Refresh issue with graph changes
  • Layout Editor:
    • Dragging a sample to the LE throws a stack
    • Guides
    • Right click Axis menu
    • Canceling a Batch in the LE
    • Copy and Paste between separate layouts
  • Layout Outputs:
    • PNG, JPG saving
    • Image copying and pasting
    • Text boxes in PNGs
  • Layout Overlays:
    • Count for Auto scale
    • Large dots
    • Adding statistics to the gated population in the Legend
  • Movies: making movies by Event #
  • Preferences:
    • Lin/Log scaling saving
    • FACSCalibur not showing log parameters
    • Gallios preference added to switch between FCS3.0 and FCS 2.0 scaling ($PnR)
    • Show Header/Footer in Tables
    • Add % sign text is cut off in prefs (Mac)
    • Adding a new cytometer preference
    • Recognizing Cytof data
    • Setting Width basis for FACSDiva-generated data
    • Graph preferences: Contour Levels, Show Outliers
  • Printing:
    • Print preview through the GW
    • Multiple improvements to Batch to printer in the LE
  • Statistics: Group owned Statistics in the WS refresh issue
  • Table Editor:
    • HTML headers alignment
    • Resizing Columns
    • Row deletion order
  • Undo/Redo:
    • Deleting a Sample in Compensation group after Compensating
    • Compensation window Undo
    • Remove Layer from the Layout Legends
    • File organization after drag and drop
    • Ordering of new group and newly added sample undos
    • GW sizing after Undo
    • Grids in the LE
  • Workspace:
    • Creating a New Group during a file load
    • Saving Customized Ribbons
    • Responsiveness during gate/statistic calculation
    • Help menu access
    • Exporting gated population
    • Statistic refresh issue when Compensation dialog open
    • Default Font size

10.0.3 (Release date: August 6, 2012)

Thanks to the user feedback, the following list of user-found defects has been fixed in this release. FlowJo also makes every attempt to automatically notify us when there are defects, and we will continue to monitor both the automated reports and user-sent ones from Tech Support to continue improving this release.

Flowjo 10 percent positive


  • 3D viewer now opens from the Table Editor
  • Not gates of a not gate show correct statistics
  • Applying an edited matrix moved data in nested gates
  • Can now apply v9 matrix file with all extensions .mtx, .txt. and the default .txt
  • Reset in the Matrix Editor now resets values
  • Right clicking compensation badges in the workspace to remove and edit now work
  • Compensation now works with Sortware and Cyan data
  • Able to apply Derived Parameter to another sample
  • Loading JO files fixed binary warning, legends not showing, and overlays losing a layer
  • Loading Workspace (WSP) files fixed Layout Editor, comp group losing samples, reconnecting of files if in the same folder automatically, page breaks, and zoom are now saved correctly and don't reset
  • Can now read Stratedigm data
  • Fixed jumping gates on transformed data
  • Manual percentage gates are now showing in the workspace
  • Events on axis warning is now consistant
  • X axis parameters are now correct when showing graph in excel
  • Curly Quads disappearing and ability to drag off screen are fixed
  • PDF: Chinese characters now show, batching no longer clears the layout
  • Resizing a graph in the LE ruined the batch; now fixed
  • Rulers now update when page breaks are moved in the Layout Editor
  • Web Animation is now working in the Layout Editor
  • PowerPoint is now working
  • Copy and pasting out of the Layout Editor now has a regular border
  • Can now save text boxes as EMF
  • New Serial Number license screen bigger and better and can now be saved in preferences
  • Keyword combination for file name fixed
  • Repositories are now saving usernames in preferences
  • Printing now follows page breaks
  • Frequency of…can now be specified in the Table Editor and in the workspace
  • Formulas with column references now work in the Table Editor
  • Templates now save the control and overlays
  • Undo/Redo fixes in the Workspace, Compensation, Graph Window, Layout Editor
  • Able to drag gates and statistics to another workspace or sample
  • Text wrapping in Annotate Experiment now works

Flowjo 10 0 2

Known Issues:

  • HTML headers are misaligned
  • Keywords are not saving in templates
  • Shortcut keys for 3D viewer do not work
  • Sample Quality is not fully implemented
  • Cyan and FACSCalibur data is not showing log parameters; has to be manually adjusted
  • Append to PowerPoint has an error and is not working
  • Saved Workspace and JO files still has layout issues with MGO's and refresh issues

Mac laptop mouse not working. 10.0.2 (Release date: July 12th, 2012)



  • 3D viewer now opens from the Table Editor
  • Not gates of a not gate show correct statistics
  • Applying an edited matrix moved data in nested gates
  • Can now apply v9 matrix file with all extensions .mtx, .txt. and the default .txt
  • Reset in the Matrix Editor now resets values
  • Right clicking compensation badges in the workspace to remove and edit now work
  • Compensation now works with Sortware and Cyan data
  • Able to apply Derived Parameter to another sample
  • Loading JO files fixed binary warning, legends not showing, and overlays losing a layer
  • Loading Workspace (WSP) files fixed Layout Editor, comp group losing samples, reconnecting of files if in the same folder automatically, page breaks, and zoom are now saved correctly and don't reset
  • Can now read Stratedigm data
  • Fixed jumping gates on transformed data
  • Manual percentage gates are now showing in the workspace
  • Events on axis warning is now consistant
  • X axis parameters are now correct when showing graph in excel
  • Curly Quads disappearing and ability to drag off screen are fixed
  • PDF: Chinese characters now show, batching no longer clears the layout
  • Resizing a graph in the LE ruined the batch; now fixed
  • Rulers now update when page breaks are moved in the Layout Editor
  • Web Animation is now working in the Layout Editor
  • PowerPoint is now working
  • Copy and pasting out of the Layout Editor now has a regular border
  • Can now save text boxes as EMF
  • New Serial Number license screen bigger and better and can now be saved in preferences
  • Keyword combination for file name fixed
  • Repositories are now saving usernames in preferences
  • Printing now follows page breaks
  • Frequency of…can now be specified in the Table Editor and in the workspace
  • Formulas with column references now work in the Table Editor
  • Templates now save the control and overlays
  • Undo/Redo fixes in the Workspace, Compensation, Graph Window, Layout Editor
  • Able to drag gates and statistics to another workspace or sample
  • Text wrapping in Annotate Experiment now works

Flowjo 10 0 2

Known Issues:

  • HTML headers are misaligned
  • Keywords are not saving in templates
  • Shortcut keys for 3D viewer do not work
  • Sample Quality is not fully implemented
  • Cyan and FACSCalibur data is not showing log parameters; has to be manually adjusted
  • Append to PowerPoint has an error and is not working
  • Saved Workspace and JO files still has layout issues with MGO's and refresh issues

Mac laptop mouse not working. 10.0.2 (Release date: July 12th, 2012)


  • 3D Viewer: Ability to drag 3D node to LE
  • Boolean Gates:
    • Getting a replace node dialog when trying to create AND gate
    • Boolean gating is not working – refresh issue
  • Comp Matrix Editor:
    • Unchecking all the Parameters after unchecking Show All in ME throws a stack
    • ALLBY in ME
  • Document:
    • X icon gets fuzzy when minimized – Mac only
    • Add Samples to also reconnect broken ones
  • Graph Window:
    • Curly Quad gate lines is showing incorrect shape at the end of the lines
    • GW gate annotation copies the background color in the GW
    • GW transposed axis does not work
    • GW shrinks when Reset This Graph Window's Size and Reset All GW Size is selected
    • Manual percentage gate on a histogram throws a stack and doesn't work
    • Able to drag curly off screen and crash FJ
    • Help button in Gate Name dialog links to a Page Not Found
    • Child populations GW's size is stretched out
  • Installation: Version number needs to show in finder/explorer
  • Layout Charts:
    • Right clicking on an axis in the LE to change to axis is not working
    • NxN plots are very small on view
    • String name shows in Graph def for lock ratio
    • Adding a legend from the right click menu in the LE is blank
  • Layout Editor:
    • Compensation Matrix: Name Keyword in LE Text boxes/stat box is blank
    • Insert Annotation through FJML in text boxes is showing error
    • Remove look/feel options from the LE – causing lots of stacks and problems
    • Highlighting in the figure presets box is too dark – can't see text
  • Layout Iteration:
    • Parameter not found then changing graphs when viewing NxN
  • Movies:
    • GW Movie showing same display for every frame past the first
    • Some frames show blank in a movie
  • Population Comparison: Stack when adding all samples to control
  • Preferences:
    • Legend Palette in the Annotation Prefs is not working
    • Gradient Color in the Layouts prefs does not work with grids
    • Set Stroke (Line Weight) pref is duplicated
    • Set Stroke (Line Weight) from Annotation prefs does not work
  • Repositories: Cancel out of Available Repositories throws a stack
  • Sample Quality: Check sample quality not working on a group
  • Shortcut Keys:
    • Shortcut key to align bottoms in the LE is not working
    • Send Backward and Bottom icons in the LE have the same shortcut key: Ctrl + B
  • Table Editor: Batched table has string name issues
    • Transforms are only being applied to one sample and not the group
    • Linear/Log parameter lists are now correctly wired in
  • Workspace:
    • Annotation experiment needs text wrapping in all boxes
    • Alt-drag loses its ability to drag all after dragging to the group
    • Creating multiple groups keeps the same default color
    • Not able to click into some boxes in Annotate Experiment
    • Annotate experiment does not save information

10.0.1 (Release date: June 21, 2012)

  • SSC-W showing log on linear data
  • Exporting to CSV on PC
  • Directions on how to reconnect file from a JO or WSP file
  • Better offline help dialogs
  • Better handling of statistics when group owned and deleted
  • Movie generation was improved
  • 'Hide axes numbers' in LE charts will reposition axes labels closer to the plot

Known issues:

  • Manual range gates cannot be created
  • NxN pots display too small
  • Calculate Width basis

Flowjo 10 0 Error

10.0.0 (Release date: June 13, 2012)

New Features:

Flowjo 10 Manual

  • Workspace Features:
    • Ribbons: Customizable, fluent user interface. Tailor FlowJo for your analysis workflow
    • Split Group Panel: Able to see more detailed information about groups and their gates
    • Redesigned Compensation Editor: Automated Compensation, easier to read and analyze
    • International Controls: Chinese, German, French, Japanese, and Spanish are all included. Localization efforts will continue until FlowJo knows how to speak your native language
    • FCS Scan: Search the contents of any folder or drive for FCS files and quickly sort the contents by FCS keywords to find the files that match your experimental requirements
    • Workspace Find / Replace: Change keyword values in the workspace across an entire data set quickly and easily
    • MIFlowCyt Annotation: Antibody panel annotation is a great way to ensure the integrity of your experimental design and bolster your journal submissions
    • SOPs & URL bookmarking: Drag a URL (web address) from your browser to the bottom of the workspace window and it will show up as an icon for easy reference to websites or SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)
    • Badges / Sample Quality Check: FlowJo now checks your samples at load time for outliers of parameters vs Time looking for drifts in the signal
    • Cytometer Preferences: V10 makes smart decisions about data display based on your cytometer
  • Gate Window Features:
    • Breadcrumb Bar Navigation: Able to see all gate's names and their hierarchy in the graph window
    • Parameter Transform Editing: New interface, easier to use, new preview screen
    • Curly Quads and Spider Quads: Curved quad gates allow for actuate gating on compensated parameters
    • Tethered Gates: Gates linked to population density
  • Table Editor Features:
    • Ribbons: Customizable, fluent user interface. Tailor FlowJo for your analysis workflow
    • Plots (Time Series, Correlation, Line, 3D): New plots to help visualize data based on time, correlation, and in 3D space
    • Range based formatting: Ability to set range formatting in preferences, add new ranges, use default ranges, delete ranges, and control how these appear in the Table Editor
  • Layout Editor Features:
    • Ribbons: Customizable, fluent user interface. Tailor FlowJo for your analysis workflow
    • Locks (Position, size, binding): Able to lock objects in the Layout Editor so editing other objects will not have effects
    • New Properties (Shadow, gradient fill, rotation): New object properties that turn the Layout Editor into a drawing program. Able to add graphic features to any object in the Layout Editor
    • New Drawing Tools ( RoundRect, Diamond, Triangle, Ellipse): New drawing tools to help highlight analyses
    • Rulers: Helpful to organize layouts
    • Drag guides: Helpful for layouts that need publication quality organization. Guides help keep your layout objects precisely in line
    • Rich text boxes: Allow editing and formatting of font/text size and color. Can format and link to data in the workspace
    • Equations in text boxes: FJML gating and sample annotation can now be displayed inside of rich text boxes
    • Sample/Population Based Statistical Tables: New statistic table in the Layout Editor that allows drag/drop of samples and gates, statistics, and adding of new statistics and annotations to the table
    • Improved Grids: Rich text and a much improved mechanism for displaying plots, stats, and text in the Grid Tool have made it a more powerful mechanism for displaying plate based reports
    • URL link box: Many times it is helpful to display images or web based reports in-line with new data. FlowJo can display web pages or images from the internet in the Layout Editor so that you can more easily reference previously acquired data or reports pertinent to your current experiment
  • Invisible Features:
    • Command Line Interface: Create batches and high throughput analyses via command prompt or terminal
    • Repository Support: Able to access repositories through FJ to download and upload data and workspaces
    • Remote and distributed engine support: Is your computer slow? Remote and distributed engines allows users to utilize multiple engines on our local server or their local servers to speed up analysis in FlowJo
    • Destinations attached to template reports: Direct your workspace and report saving to user-set file destinations, to control and protect your frequently-run analyses

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